SOG system - anyone using one?


SOG system - anyone using one?

Posted: 11.01.2012  ·  #1
I have seen much mention of SOG systems on forums and in magazines but have yet to meet anyone with one.

Does anyone on here have one?

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Re: SOG system - anyone using one?

Posted: 12.01.2012  ·  #2
i have one, just recently fitted.

next time your round have a look.

first weekend away with sog fitted there were problems with the bracket for microswitch but now resolved,just needed a better fixing.

cost about a hundred quid plus fitting.
seems to do what its supposed to.

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Re: SOG system - anyone using one?

Posted: 12.01.2012  ·  #3
Altighty mark

All good reports on any we have fitted,, not to pricy and does what it says,,

As far as I know it is law to have them fitted at manufacture in Germany,, exported vehicles are different tho,,

Install is fairly easy for the swivel seat type system, £135 fitted with us!!

As for fixing of 'microswitch' two stage plastic rivot it won't move bob!! Or at least it should if in the
Right place


Re: SOG system - anyone using one?

Posted: 12.01.2012  ·  #4
Sounds interesting. Thanks for the answers.

Bob thanks for the offer. Will have a look next time I am round.

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