
Forum rules

Here you can create a free account for this forum. Please read the following forum rules before and check if the administrator provides additional conditions in a topic or link. After accepting the rules you can join MotorhomeCraic.

Although the administrators and moderators of MotorhomeCraic do their best to delete all unwanted or illegal messages from this forum, it is technically impossible to review every post manually. Each post's author is responsible for its content on his own. Neither this website's owner, nor the author of this software. CBACK® Software, assume del credere liability for that.

By registring you agree further, that you won't misuse the forum for illegal, obscene, vulgar, abusive or other unlawful posts. The administrators and moderators of this forum have the right to edit or delete your entries at any time, if they offend the terms of usage. Furthermore they have the right to lock your account for a certain time or completely. You have the right at any time that an administrator deletes your account, however, due to the fact that topics would lose their meaning, your posts won't be deleted.

This forum software was created by CBACK® Software and is a commercial product. CBACK® Software is not responsible for the contents of third-party forums and has no influence on their contents. The forum software itself may only be used with a valid license, bought directly from CBACK® Software ( Parts of the source code or the entire software may not be used in other products or be sold. If you think this is a pirate copy, please tell this discreetly on, so we can proof it. Thank you!